Painting Chosen for Area Magazine!
I am so excited to have one of my paintings chosen to appear as a launch page in the Beaches of South Walton & Scenic 30A magazine.

My painting on the first page.
My painting was representing the Gallery at Retail Therapy in the magazine and was chosen to open the tourists to the beach pages.
It is called "Sunny Days on the Boardwalk" and is actually painted from an old photograph of me in my early 20's! Don't you love how the clothing is back in style? I was thrilled to be featured in the book and hope it helps to promote the arts in the area. The watercolor painting is already sold, however I do have prints available at my gallery at Retail Therapy or on my website. Contact me to own a copy of this beachy print.

The inside cover page with a small version of the art chosen and artist credits.
Beaches of South Walton and See Magazine does a wonderful job of featuring local artists in their Scenic 30A book about the community, They choose actual local art over stock photos in all their facing pages. Pick up a copy while you are visiting this year. It is produced once a year, so it will be in Walton County and 30A area restaurants, and shops through next April.

Cover of the magazine, another local artist work.

The ad in full to Bud and Alley's!